Gosduma RF Rassmotrit Zakonoproekt O Nakazanii Za Nezakonnuyu Vydachu Dokumentov Migrantam

"Relevant amendments will be introduced into the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation"

Mincifry RF Planiruet Provesti Eksperiment Po Sdache Biometrii Inostrancami Na Granice

"If the experiment is deemed successful, these rules will be implemented on a permanent basis"

Vladimir Putin Podpisal Zakon O Novom Rezhime Vysylki Migrantov

"The law reduces the duration of visa-free temporary stay in Russia to 90 days within a year"

Gosduma RF Rassmotrit Proekt Ob Uproshchenii Registracii Dlya Vynuzhdennyh Pereselencev

"Earlier, the President of the Russian Federation signed a decree allowing foreigners who came to Russia due to their disapproval of their countries' policies to obtain a residence permit through a simplified procedure"

Sovet Federacii Odobril Zakon O Novom Rezhime Vysylki Migrantov

"The document provides for the creation of a registry of monitored individuals subject to expulsion"

V Gosdumu RF Vnesen Proekt O Sdache Biometrii Inostrancami

"This measure will help track the movement of foreigners, ensure their identification, and prevent the re-entry of undesirable individuals"

Gosduma RF Prinyala Zakon O Lishenii Grazhdanstva Za Nepostanovku Na Voinskij Uchet

"Amendments are being made to the laws "On Military Duty and Military Service" and "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation.""

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