Prezident RF Uvelichil Porog Dolga Dlja Nachala Bankrotstva Kompanij

"The amendments came into effect on the day of their publication"

Gosduma RF Vvedet Dopolnitelnye Ogranicheniya Na Usynovlenie Detej Inostrancami

"Deputies plan to prohibit the adoption of children by foreigners whose home countries allow gender reassignment"

MID RF Oproverg Plany Zapretit Vydachu I Zamenu Dokumentov Za Rubezhom

"The Ministry "traditionally pursues a policy of information openness""

V Gosdume RF Prizvali Obuchat Migrantov Russkomu Yazyku Na Rodine

"Exams for foreigners can be administered by 12 Russian universities and one organization of the Moscow government"

V Sovete Federacii Rasskazali O Rabote Po Utochneniyu Migracionnogo Zakonodatelstva

"According to the Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko, immigration legislation needs to be changed"

Gosduma RF Povysila Minimalnyj Dolg Dlya Nachala Bankrotstva Yurlic

"By the new law, the debt threshold has been increased to 2 million rubles"

V Rossii Planiruetsya Izmenit Ekzamen Dlya Migrantov

"Rosobrnadzor has allowed the assessment of oral speech in the exam for migrants"

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