V Rossii Planiruetsya Izmenit Poryadok Predostavleniya Potrebitelskih Kreditov

"The financial organization must ensure that the citizen is creditworthy, enters into the contract voluntarily, and intends to fulfill its terms"

MVD RF Predlozhilo Obyazat Vsekh Inostrancev Prohodit Daktiloskopiyu Pri Vezde V Rossiyu

"Since 2021, labor migrants are required to undergo fingerprint registration and photography within one to three months"

Minobrnauki RF Predlozhilo Snizit Cenu Ekzamenov Dlya Migrantov

"The cost is expected to be reduced to 1,000 rubles"

V Rossii Inostrannyh Grazhdan Mogut Obyazat Podpisyvat Soglashenie O Loyalnosti

"This way, a foreign citizen will agree to comply with prohibitions established to protect Russia's national interests"

Pravitelstvo RF Prodlevaet Na 2024 God Antisankcionnye Mery Podderzhki Biznesa

"The draft law incorporates proposals from 22 federal agencies"

Pravitelstvo RF Otmenilo Zapret Na Postavki Benzina Za Granicu

"A more extended retention of the gasoline export ban could have led to a decrease in processing due to the filling of storage spaces for fuel"

Bank Rossii Planiruet Smyagchit Nakazanie Za Valyutnye Narusheniya

"This will create favorable conditions for foreign trade"

Lawspells Law Firm
     +7 (800) 5555-970  •   Stoloviy lane 6, Moscow, 121069, Russia   

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