Sovet Federacii Odobril Zakon O Zaprete Priema V Shkoly Detej Migrantov Bez Znaniya Russkogo

"Russian language testing for migrant children will be conducted free of charge"

Mintrud RF Nazval Samuyu Vysokuyu Zarplatu Dlya Inostrannyh Grazhdan

"The highest salary for a foreign citizen will be 380,000 rubles"

V Rossii Nachalsya Eksperiment Po Sboru Biometricheskih Dannyh U Inostrancev

"The experiment is being conducted to create a digital profile of a foreign citizen or a stateless person"

Gosduma RF Prinyala Zakon O Poryadke Priema Detej Migrantov V Shkoly

"Migrant children will not be admitted to schools without knowledge of the Russian language"

Gosduma RF Rassmotrit Proekt O Zaprete Na Poluchenie VNZH I Grazhdanstva Trudovymi Migrantami

"The document proposes to limit the duration of a labor migrant's stay in Russia to the validity period of their employment contract"

Gosduma RF Prodolzhayut Rabotu Po Sovershenstvovaniyu Migracionnogo Zakonodatelstva

"The Chairman of the State Duma listed the sectors where migrants should not be employed"

Lawspells Law Firm
     +7 (800) 5555-970  •   Stoloviy lane 6, Moscow, 121069, Russia   

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