Vladimir Putin Podpisal Zakon O Zaprete Reklamy U Inostrannyh Agentov

"Both the advertiser and the advertising distributor will be held responsible for violating the law"

Opredeleno Kak Vladelcy Populyarnyh Internet Resursov Budut Otchityvatsya Pered Operatorom Socreklamy

"The required information should be transmitted in the form of an electronic document"

U Reklamodatelej V Internete Poyavyatsya Novye Obyazannosti

"The amendments also apply to advertising distributors and operators of advertising systems"

Gosduma RF Prinyala Zakon Ob Uchete Reklamy V Internete

"The document provides for the creation of a system that will ensure the collection and processing of information about advertisements posted on the Internet"

FAS Razyasnila Na Kakie Nositeli Ne Rasprostranyayutsya Trebovaniya Zakona O Reklame

"The department reminds that the requirements do not apply to media installed inside buildings"

V Rossii Budet Zapreshchena Stacionarnaya Zvukovaya Reklama

"The document is not allowed to distribute sound advertising using vehicles"

V Rossii Nachnut Proveryat Obem Auditorii Sajtov SMI

"Changes will take effect on October 1"

Lawspells Law Firm
     +7 (800) 5555-970  •   Stoloviy lane 6, Moscow, 121069, Russia   

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