Gosduma RF Rassmotrit Proekt O Zaprete Na Poluchenie VNZH I Grazhdanstva Trudovymi Migrantami

"The document proposes to limit the duration of a labor migrant's stay in Russia to the validity period of their employment contract"

V Rossii Planiruetsya Izmenit Ekzamen Dlya Migrantov

"Rosobrnadzor has allowed the assessment of oral speech in the exam for migrants"

Mintrud RF Planiruet Vvesti Novye Uslovija Dlja Inostrannyh Specialistov

"The Ministry proposed deporting migrants from Russia for employment unrelated to their profession"

Mintrud RF Predlozhil Ogranichit Srok Zaklyucheniya Trudovyh Dogovorov S Migrantami

"Currently, employment contracts with foreign citizens can be concluded on an indefinite and fixed-term basis"

Pravitelstvo RF Ustanovilo Novye Pravila Kontrolya Za Soblyudeniem Trudovogo Zakonodatelstva

"The corresponding decree has already entered into force. It will be valid until June 1, 2023"

Mintrud RF Planiruet Sozdat Strukturu Dlya Celevogo Nabora Inostrannyh Rabotnikov

"Due to the new rules, it is planned to employ 300,000 foreigners by 2030"

Pered Novym Godom Rossiyanam Vyplatyat Zarplatu Za Yanvar Pensii I Posobiya

"According to the authors of the document, Russians are not left without support during the New Year holidays"

Lawspells Law Firm
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