Vladimir Putin Obyazal Nelegalnyh Migrantov Uekhat Iz Rossii Ili Uregulirovat Svoj Status

"The document introduces strict requirements for those intending to stay in Russia"


Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree requiring illegal migrants to either legalize their stay in the country or leave Russian territory by April 30, 2025.

Migrants wishing to regularize their status must provide biometric data, undergo a medical examination, and demonstrate knowledge of the Russian language, basic laws, and history. They must settle any outstanding debts and ensure there are no grounds for the cancellation of permits such as work patents, residence permits, or temporary residence permits.

Special provisions have been introduced for migrants who have signed contracts with the Russian Ministry of Defense. These individuals are exempt from deportation, entry bans, and other restrictions, provided their activities do not pose a threat to national security.

Earlier, the Russian State Duma adopted several measures aimed at regulating migration processes. Criminal and administrative penalties for illegal migration were tightened, intermediaries in migration testing processes were eliminated, and websites offering illegal services were blocked.

Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov added that Russia requires an influx of labor due to its challenging demographic situation. He emphasized that the country remains open to migrants who are willing to comply with the established rules.


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