V Rossii Utverdili Poryadok Testirovaniya Detej Migrantov Na Znanie Russkogo Yazyka

"A child needs to score 3 points to pass the test, noted Rosobrnadzor"


The procedure for the mandatory Russian language exam for migrant children before entering school has been approved in Russia. The new testing procedure, published on the legal acts portal, will come into effect on April 1.

The exam will be adapted to the child’s age: first-graders must have basic listening and speaking skills, understand and name objects based on images. From the second grade, reading and writing requirements are added, with the difficulty level increasing each year. The test includes oral and written sections, but future first-graders are exempt from the written exam.

To pass the test successfully, a child needs to score 3 points. If they fail, they can retake it after three months and attend additional Russian language classes.

The idea of testing was established by a law adopted in December 2024. Initially, it was proposed to set the minimum passing threshold at 30% of the maximum score. However, this initiative was criticized by the Speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Vyacheslav Volodin, who stated that such a level of knowledge was equivalent to a failing grade and would not allow children to adapt properly in school. As a result, Rosobrnadzor revised the criteria.

The Russian Ministry of Education, in turn, proposed introducing administrative responsibility for parents if they do not send their child to additional classes after failing the test. The financial costs of the education will also be borne by migrant families.


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