Vladimir Putin Nazval Usloviya Dlya Vozvrashcheniya Inostrannogo Biznesa

"The decision on the return of foreign businesses will primarily take into account the interests of Russian companies, stated the President of the Russian Federation"


President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin instructed the Russian government to closely monitor companies intending to return their assets to Russia, prioritizing the interests of domestic businesses.

The head of state emphasized that many foreign companies left the Russian market, selling their assets at low prices, and now plan to buy them back under preferential conditions. To prevent such situations, the authorities will compile a list of such companies, and each transaction will be reviewed individually. The president stressed that no special privileges will be granted to former owners: if Russian entrepreneurs have already taken over the vacant market niche, the existing situation will not be reconsidered.

Vladimir Putin also instructed the government to develop clear rules for the return of foreign brands, ensuring that they fulfill all obligations. At the same time, he noted that the easing of sanctions should not be perceived as a sign of complete economic freedom, as unfriendly countries will always find new ways to exert pressure on the Russian economy.

Amid the potential return of foreign brands, the Russian Association of Electronics Developers and Manufacturers proposed additional protective measures for domestic companies. These include a 30% tariff on imported electronics, a ban on foreign companies' participation in state procurement, mandatory labeling of products from manufacturers that supported sanctions, and the denial of protection for their intellectual property rights. According to industry representatives, the uncontrolled return of foreign investments could devalue the investments of Russian companies and hinder technological independence.


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