Pravitelstvo RF Otmenilo Zapret Na Postavki Benzina Za Granicu

"A more extended retention of the gasoline export ban could have led to a decrease in processing due to the filling of storage spaces for fuel"

Pravitelstvo RF Ogranichilo Eksport Topliva

"Temporary restrictions on the export of gasoline and diesel fuel have been introduced in Russia"

V Gosdumu RF Postupilo Predlozhenie Obnulit Nalogi Dlya Rossijskih Neftyanyh Kompanij

"It is also proposed to expand the additional income tax regime to some plots of other existing groups"

Vvedeny Shtrafy Za Otsutstvie Plana Preduprezhdeniya I Likvidacii Razlivov Nefti

"The maximum amount of the fine will be 1 million rubles"

Pravitelstvo RF Podgotovit Mery Po Stabilizacii Situacii Na Rynke Topliva

"FAS was instructed to develop a tool to control the execution of this order by the participants of the fuel market"

Izmeneny Dokumenty O Registracii Pererabotchikov Neftyanogo Syrya

"The previously valid regulations for the issuance of certificates of state registration of petroleum processors are no longer valid"

V Rossii Mogut Ogranichit Eksport Benzina

"The Russian government intends to add gasoline to the list of goods, the export of which may be temporarily restricted"

Lawspells Law Firm
     +7 (800) 5555-970  •   Stoloviy lane 6, Moscow, 121069, Russia   

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