Rosobrnadzor Razrabotaet Ekzamen Po Russkomu Yazyku Dlya Detej Migrantov V Marte

"Mandatory testing will be introduced on April 1, 2025"

MVD RF Soobshchilo Kto Lishitsya Inostrannyh Voditelskih Prav V 2025 Godu

"Driving with invalid licenses will result in a fine of up to 15,000 rubles"

MVD RF Zapustilo Obeshchannyj Reestr Kontroliruemyh Lic

"The possibility of maintaining such a registry is defined by amendments to the law "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation""

V Gosdumu RF Budet Vnesen Proekt Ob Otyagchayushchih Obstoyatelstvah Dlya Migrantov

"Deputies called for the determination of aggravating circumstances for migrants violating the Administrative Code"

Vladimir Putin Obyazal Nelegalnyh Migrantov Uekhat Iz Rossii Ili Uregulirovat Svoj Status

"The document introduces strict requirements for those intending to stay in Russia"

Lawspells Law Firm
     +7 (800) 5555-970  •   Stoloviy lane 6, Moscow, 121069, Russia   

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