Vladimir Putin Nazval Usloviya Dlya Vozvrashcheniya Inostrannogo Biznesa

"The decision on the return of foreign businesses will primarily take into account the interests of Russian companies, stated the President of the Russian Federation"

V Rossii Utverdili Poryadok Testirovaniya Detej Migrantov Na Znanie Russkogo Yazyka

"A child needs to score 3 points to pass the test, noted Rosobrnadzor"

Pravitelstvo RF Raskritikovalo Proekt Ob Ogranichenii Propiski Inostrancev

"As of September 2024, there were about 6.2 million foreign citizens in Russia"

V Gosdumu RF Vnesen Proekt O Rabote Migrantov Po Odnomu Patentu V Dvuh Regionah

"Amendments are proposed to be made to the Federal Law "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation""

Glava MID RF Prokommentiroval Uzhestochenie Rezhima Vezda Dlya Migrantov

"The measures being taken in this regard are aimed at tightening control, not creating obstacles to labor migration, said Sergey Lavrov"

V Gosdumu RF Vnesen Proekt O Shtrafah Pri Narusheniyah Sdachi Zhilya Migrantam

"The amount of fines may reach up to 500,000 rubles"

Rosobrnadzor Razrabotaet Ekzamen Po Russkomu Yazyku Dlya Detej Migrantov V Marte

"Mandatory testing will be introduced on April 1, 2025"

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