Duties Liability Of Management Bodies Of Companies Legal Services Lawspells Russia

“We advise business owners and executives on the matters related to activities and liabilities of corporate authorities as well as help to resolve related conflict situations.”


Business activity involves the complexity in relations between shareholders, board of directors, company executives and other stakeholders. For effective operation of business, it is important to establish the legal basis and principles of such relations.

The key principles of activities of corporate authorities are accountability and liabilities to shareholders.

Company executives, and in some cases other officials and shareholders, bear administrative and criminal liability for failure to perform their duties.

Obligations of corporate bodies and regulating documents directly depends on the organizational form of the business. For example, for joint-stock companies (CJSCs or OJSCs) and limited liability companies (LLCs), which are the most common organizational forms of business in Russia, company's charter is the main document that sets out the rights and obligations of shareholders and corporate authorities. 

More specific requirements to activities of corporate authorities may be reflected in regulations of state authorities or local regulations (corporate policy) of companies. Sometimes it is necessary to regulate relations and liabilities of corporate authorities within several related companies.


Lawspells has extensive experience in development of business management models, revision of the existing management model and decisions of corporate authorities for compliance with law requirements, development of rules regulating corporate authorities' activities. We advise business owners and executives on the matters related to activities and liabilities of corporate authorities as well as help to resolve related conflict situations.

Contact Lawspells Law Firm for professional legal support in the field of activities and liabilities of corporate bodies.

Sergey Travin
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     +7 (800) 5555-970  •   Stoloviy lane 6, Moscow, 121069, Russia   

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