Gosduma RF Rassmotrit Proekt O Zaprete Na Poluchenie VNZH I Grazhdanstva Trudovymi Migrantami

"The document proposes to limit the duration of a labor migrant's stay in Russia to the validity period of their employment contract"

Gosduma RF Prodolzhayut Rabotu Po Sovershenstvovaniyu Migracionnogo Zakonodatelstva

"The Chairman of the State Duma listed the sectors where migrants should not be employed"

Sovet Federacii Podderzhal Ryad Zakonov Protiv Nelegalnoj Migracii

"Since the beginning of 2024, deputies have passed 7 laws regulating migration policy"

V Gosdume RF Predlozhili Pri Narushenii PDD Annulirovat Inostrannye Voditelskie Prava

"Amendments are planned to be introduced to the Federal Law "On Road Traffic Safety""

MVD RF Soobshchilo O Roste Chisla Legalnyh Trudovyh Migrantov

"The number of migrants who received work permits in Russia increased by 41%"

Gosduma RF Uzhestochila Otvetstvennost Za Organizaciyu Nezakonnoj Migracii

"The maximum penalty will be 60 million rubles"

Gosduma RF Prodolzhaet Rabotu Po Protivodejstviyu Nezakonnoj Migracii

"By mid-November, deputies plan to review the entire package of bills aimed at countering illegal migration"

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