Gosduma RF Prinyala Zakon O Poryadke Priema Detej Migrantov V Shkoly

"Migrant children will not be admitted to schools without knowledge of the Russian language"


The State Duma of the Russian Federation has passed a law establishing new rules for admitting migrant children to schools. Before enrollment, a child's legal status in Russia and their proficiency in the Russian language will now be verified.

State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin emphasized that knowledge of the language is becoming a mandatory condition for receiving school education. He noted that this measure is aimed at strengthening order in the migration sphere and ensuring equal opportunities in the educational process.

The adopted changes reflect a course toward systematizing integration processes and providing quality education for all children attending Russian schools.

Vyacheslav Volodin reminded that since the beginning of the year, the parliament has already passed 14 federal laws aimed at improving migration policy and combating illegal migration.


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