V MVD RF Rasskazali O Rabote Po Sovershenstvovaniyu Migracionnogo Zakonodatelstva

"The ministry is counting on assistance from the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation and the "competence of the technical services" of the internal affairs bodies"


The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation reported on efforts to improve migration legislation. First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Alexander Gorovoy, who is responsible for migration issues in the department, highlighted the main aspects of the upcoming work.

The ministry proposes to reduce the number of federal commissions on migration policy from three to one. Alexander Gorovoy noted that the process of coordinating changes in migration legislation is sometimes delayed due to disagreements between agencies. He emphasized that the Ministry of Internal Affairs believes it would be advisable to leave only one commission, but to give it expanded powers, including the right for its chairman to resolve interdepartmental disputes directly at meetings.

Currently, three federal commissions on migration policy operate in Russia:

- A government commission established in 2002;

- An interdepartmental commission responsible for the compatriot resettlement program, active since 2006;

- An interdepartmental commission of the Security Council for improving migration policy, established in 2022.

Additionally, the Ministry of Internal Affairs noted that under new rules, illegal migrants in Russia will lose access to banks, public services, and the ability to marry. According to Alexander Gorovoy, after being entered into the register of foreigners illegally residing in the country, migrants will lose the right to drive, perform banking operations, register property, marry and divorce, as well as enroll their children in kindergartens and schools.

Starting December 1, 2024, Moscow airports will begin testing a system for photo and fingerprint identification of foreign citizens entering Russia. According to Gorovoy, this is an experimental measure, and after its testing, the Russian government, together with the FSB, will decide on the possible implementation of the procedure at all border checkpoints in the country. Moscow has been chosen for the trial as a key transport hub and one of the main centers attracting migrants.


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