Predsedatel Gosdumy RF Rasskazal O Popravkah K Zakonoproektu O Pravovom Polozhenii Inostrannyh Grazhdan

"The proposed regulations will help prevent migrants from obtaining documents through fraudulent schemes"


Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Vyacheslav Volodin, announced amendments to the bill regulating the legal status of foreign citizens in Russia.

One proposal involves simplifying the process for obtaining temporary residence permits (TRP) for foreigners married to Russian citizens. Now, such a permit can only be applied for after three years of marriage, explained Vyacheslav Volodin. The Chairman emphasized that this period should serve as a test of the seriousness of intentions, noting, "If the marriage is based on love rather than personal gain, three years will not be an obstacle to building a strong family."

According to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, since 2021, more than 4,300 sham marriages have been recorded, aimed at obtaining migration status, Volodin noted.

The second amendment addresses the prevention of fraudulent adoptions. Now, a residence permit following the adoption of a child who is a Russian citizen can only be obtained after three years of joint living or maintaining a household. This condition must be proven through judicial procedures.

In Volodin's view, these measures will help prevent fraudulent schemes used by foreigners to obtain TRP or residence permits, and eventually Russian citizenship.

It is worth recalling that the Ministry of Internal Affairs previously reported on work to improve migration legislation.


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