Mincifry RF Planiruet Provesti Eksperiment Po Sdache Biometrii Inostrancami Na Granice

"If the experiment is deemed successful, these rules will be implemented on a permanent basis"


The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications, and Mass Media of the Russian Federation proposed launching a pilot project on December 1, 2024, for collecting biometric data from foreign nationals and stateless persons for entry into Russia. The document has been published on the legal acts website.

The project will be implemented in two phases. In the first phase, foreigners crossing the border at specific checkpoints, such as Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo, Vnukovo, Zhukovsky airports, and the Mashtakovo automobile checkpoint in the Orenburg region, will submit their biometrics.

The second phase will begin on June 30, 2025, and continue until June 30, 2026, covering all individuals entering the country.

Foreign nationals entering Russia without a visa will submit their biometric data in advance through a special application and file an application indicating their details and purpose of visit. The document submission procedure for visa entry will remain the same, including a form with a photograph.

The new rules will not apply to citizens of Belarus, children under six years old, diplomats, staff of diplomatic missions and consulates, as well as employees of international organizations and their accredited representatives in Russia. Russian citizens will also not be affected by these changes, as noted by the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation.

If the experiment is deemed successful, the rules will become permanent.


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