Pravitelstvo RF Rassmotrit Kurs Adaptacii Trudovyh Migrantov

"Experts, psychologists, lawyers, and representatives of public organizations worked on the course"


The Federal Agency for Ethnic Affairs (FADN) plans to present materials for the labor migrants' adaptation course to the Russian Government for review in September.

The course consists of a significant amount of materials on Russia's migration and labor legislation, with step-by-step descriptions of procedures and required documents for incoming migrants. One section is dedicated to the basics of behavior in Russia, including rules for conduct in public places and interactions with the opposite sex.

FADN developed a series of lectures on the socio-cultural adaptation of foreign citizens from Central Asia, which has already been tested in Yakutia, Perm and Krasnodar regions, Kaliningrad, and Moscow regions.

FADN head Igor Barinov said that experts, psychologists, lawyers, and representatives of public organizations working with migrants contributed to the course. He also noted that the course will be implemented gradually, depending on the readiness of the regions, and will not be launched simultaneously across all regions.

"By the end of September, we expect feedback from the government. In regions experiencing migration pressure, work is already underway to adapt the course, taking into account regional specifics, including holidays and national characteristics," said Barinov.

In most regions, the formats for conducting the course have already been determined, including organizing events based at major employers who actively attract foreign labor migrants, added Igor Barinov.


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