Gosduma RF Rassmotrit Zakonoproekt O Nakazanii Za Nezakonnuyu Vydachu Dokumentov Migrantam

"Relevant amendments will be introduced into the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation"


A bill is set to be submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation that introduces criminal liability for the illegal issuance of temporary residence permits, residence permits, or Russian citizenship to migrants.

The bill proposes to amend the Criminal Code with a new Article 322.4, aimed at combating the illegal acquisition of Russian citizenship by foreigners. The punishment for this crime will be up to 5 years of imprisonment. If the crime is committed by a group of persons in collusion or by using an official position, the maximum penalty increases to 7 years of imprisonment and a fine of up to 500,000 rubles.

The authors of the initiative believe that the illegal issuance of documents for foreign citizens and their families poses significant financial risks to the social system and contributes to corruption. Deputies note that such crimes involve not only corrupt officials but also, for example, members of commissions for administering Russian language exams, who issue certificates in exchange for bribes.

The introduction of criminal liability for all participants in illegal schemes will help reduce the level of illegal migration in Russia, the authors of the bill believe.


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