Rossijskie Organizacii Obyazany V Ustanovlennyj Srok Soobshchat O Prieme Na Rabotu Inostrannyh Grazhdan

"The obligation of companies to report the fact of the conclusion of an employment (or services) contracts with citizens of other states was clarified again by the prosecutor's office of the city of Udachny, Yakutia Region of Russia"

Inostrannye Grazhdane Smogut Priekhat Na Dalnij Vostok V Uproshchyonnom Poryadke

"A simplified entry procedure for the territory of Russia with electronic visas is planned to be extended to river ports and vehicle checkpoints"

Inostrancy Smogut Poluchat Elektronnye Cheki Tax Free

"The electronic receipts form will be approved by the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation and the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation"

Grazhdanam Chetyrjoh Stran Stanet Proshhe Poluchit Rossijskoe Grazhdanstvo

"The government bill on simplification of obtaining Russian citizenship will be submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation until the end of February 2020"

Representatives Of 135 Occupations Will Be Able To Obtain Russian Citizenship In A Simplified Manner

"A new list of occupations has been published, according to which foreigners in Russia can obtain Russian citizenship in a simplified manner"

V Rossii Predlozhili Uprostit Vizovyj Rezhim Inostrannym Grazhdanam Dlya Lecheniya

"The vice-speaker of the Council of Federation of Russia noted that it is necessary to provide a mechanism for collecting and analyzing information about medical services provided to foreign citizens"

The Government Of Russia Fixed A Quota For Temporary Residence Of Expats In Russia

"You can apply for a quota from February 1, 2020"

Lawspells Law Firm
     +7 (800) 5555-970  •   Stoloviy lane 6, Moscow, 121069, Russia   

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