Gosduma RF Planiruet Uslozhnit Poluchenie Rossijskogo Grazhdanstva

"Deputies have proposed banning individuals with a criminal record from obtaining Russian citizenship"


Members of the State Duma of the Russian Federation have prepared a draft law prohibiting individuals with a criminal record or multiple administrative offenses from obtaining Russian citizenship. The document was authored by deputies from the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR), led by Leonid Slutsky.

Currently, having an unresolved or unpaid conviction can be a reason for refusing to grant Russian citizenship. The deputies noted that "removing a conviction is also not sufficient grounds for a positive decision when granting Russian citizenship." In their opinion, applicants should not have any criminal record at all.

"We need to systematically build migration filtration, filtering out all lawbreakers at the entrance. In the LDPR, we have always advocated for tightening migration policies, and now we have prepared another draft law prohibiting individuals with a criminal record or multiple administrative offenses from obtaining Russian citizenship," said Slutsky.

During the first half of 2023, more than 7.5 million migrants arrived in Russia. According to Leonid Slutsky, being a citizen of Russia is a privilege that one should earn through hard work, valor, love, and a respectful attitude towards the country. "If a person breaks the law, let their home country deal with their reintegration into society; we don't need such imports. Our citizens should be confident in their safety," added Slutsky.

Earlier, the press service of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation reported that in the first quarter of 2023, the committee initiated over 550 criminal cases for offenses committed by migrants.


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