Rossiyanam Mogut Razreshit Vnesudebnoe Bankrotstvo

"The corresponding initiative was put forward by the Ministry of Economic Development"

V Rossii Stanet Legche Privlekat Inostrancev Dlya Podgotovki Mezhdunarodnyh Meropriyatij

"The list of international events that will be affected by the law, as well as the timing of their holding will be determined by the Government of the Russian Federation"

Ministerstvo Vnutrennih Del Rossii Predlozhilo Vvesti Dlya Studentov Inostrancev Novoe Razreshenie Na Prozhivanie

"In February 2020, Vladimir Putin already signed the law simplifying the procedure for employing foreign students in Russia"

Pravitelstvo RF Ustanovilo Novye Pravila Kontrolya Za Soblyudeniem Trudovogo Zakonodatelstva

"The corresponding decree has already entered into force. It will be valid until June 1, 2023"

Russia Has Restricted Entry To Foreign Citizens

"The Russian Government has decided to close the borders for the entry of foreign citizens"

Pravitelstvo Rossii Uproshchaet Proceduru Polucheniya Grazhdanstva

"It is proposed to give Russian citizenship to foreigners without abandoning existing citizenship"

Rospotrebnadzor Usilit Medicinskij Kontrol Za Inostrancami

"Rospotrebnadzor (Federal Service on Surveillance for Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare) has developed a draft law that provides for increased control over foreign citizens"

Lawspells Law Firm
     +7 (800) 5555-970  •   Stoloviy lane 6, Moscow, 121069, Russia   

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