Pravitelstvo RF Otmenilo Zapret Na Postavki Benzina Za Granicu

"A more extended retention of the gasoline export ban could have led to a decrease in processing due to the filling of storage spaces for fuel"

Minobrnauki RF Predlozhilo Snizit Cenu Ekzamenov Dlya Migrantov

"The cost is expected to be reduced to 1,000 rubles"

Pravitelstvo RF Izmenilo Pravila Migracionnogo Ucheta Inostrannyh Grazhdan

"Foreigners will be able to independently notify the internal affairs authorities of their arrival in Russia"

Pravitelstvo RF Prodlevaet Na 2024 God Antisankcionnye Mery Podderzhki Biznesa

"The draft law incorporates proposals from 22 federal agencies"

V Gosdume RF Predlagayut Uzhestochit Migracionnuyu Politiku

"Deputies propose to introduce genomic identification for labor migrants and foreign students"

Bank Rossii Planiruet Smyagchit Nakazanie Za Valyutnye Narusheniya

"This will create favorable conditions for foreign trade"

V Gosdumu RF Vnesen Zakonoproekt O Povyshenii Vizovogo Sbora Dlya Grazhdan Evropejskogo Soyuza

"The document has been published in the Legislative Activity Support System"

Lawspells Law Firm
     +7 (800) 5555-970  •   Stoloviy lane 6, Moscow, 121069, Russia   

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