12. Rostrud Utverdil 107 Chek Listov Dlja Proverok Rabotodatelej

"The draft law will come into force on January 1, 2018"

11. Mintrud RF Pomozhet Rabotodateljam Izbezhat Diskriminacii Invalidov

"The Ministry reported that discrimination can be direct or indirect"

2. Deputaty Planirujut Vvesti Novoe Ogranichenie Dlja Uderzhanij Iz Zarplaty

"Under the proposed law, after deduction, employees must receive the amount that is not less than the regional subsistence minimum"

4. MROT Hotjat Prorovnjat K Prozhitochnomu Minimumu

"The document was adopted on the first reading on November 8, 2017."

SHtrafy Za Otsutstvie Vakcinacii Planiruyut Zamenit Preduprezhdeniyami

"For non-compliance with the requirement to vaccinate employees, they can be fined 1 million rubles"

2. Rostrud Napomnilo O Neobhodimosti Indeksirovat Zarplatu

"If in the calendar year consumer prices rose, but there was no indexation, the employer faces the responsibility."

Pravitelstvo RF Rasshirilo Sposoby Registracii Samozanyatogo

"Both citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens will be able to use the service"

Lawspells Law Firm
     +7 (800) 5555-970  •   Stoloviy lane 6, Moscow, 121069, Russia   

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