Nositelyam Russkogo Yazyka Uprostyat Poluchenie Grazhdanstva RF

"The State Duma of the Russian Federation is about to reduce the time for consideration of applications for the obtaining of citizenship of  Russia"

V Rossii Zapretili Vyvozit Iz Strany Ryad Medicinskih Izdelij

"The Government of Russia has temporarily banned the export of some medical products from the country"

V Gosdumu RF Vnesen Proekt O Peredache Dannyh Po Vzimaniyu Naloga S Inostrannyh Specialistov

"The Russian tax authority will transmit to law enforcement authorities data on the amount of personal income tax paid by employers in relation to highly qualified foreign specialists (HQS)"

Inostrannym Vladelcam Rossijskih SMI Smyagchat Ryad Ogranichenij

"The State Duma of the Russian Federation considered a government draft law that removes a number of restrictions on foreign shareholders of Russian media"

Torgovo Promyshlennaya Palata Predlozhila Vklyuchit V Perechen Samozanyatyh IT Specialistov Inostrannyh Kompanij

"The Chamber of Commerce and Industry proposed to extend the taxation for self-employed to IT professionals who work for foreign companies"

Srok Mnogokratnoj Vizy Dlya Rabotayushchih Inostrancev Mogut Uvelichit

"Russia is up to extend the duration of multiple visas for foreigners working in the territory of the free port of Vladivostok"

Rossijskie Organizacii Obyazany V Ustanovlennyj Srok Soobshchat O Prieme Na Rabotu Inostrannyh Grazhdan

"The obligation of companies to report the fact of the conclusion of an employment (or services) contracts with citizens of other states was clarified again by the prosecutor's office of the city of Udachny, Yakutia Region of Russia"

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     +7 (800) 5555-970  •   Stoloviy lane 6, Moscow, 121069, Russia   

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