Vladimir Putin Podpisal Zakon O Blokirovke Sredstv Popavshih Pod Sankcii Inostrancev

"The decision to impose restrictions in each specific case is made by the President of the Russian Federation based on proposals from the Security Council"

V Rossii Nachali Vydavat Elektronnye Vizy Inostrannym Grazhdanam

"According to the current Russian legislation, this visa is subject to a fee"

Gosduma RF Prinyala V Pervom Chtenii Zakonoproekt O Naloge Na Sverhpribyl

"The document has been developed with the aim of generating additional revenue for the federal budget"

V Gosdume RF Planiruyut Sozdat Federalnoe Ministerstvo Po Delam Migracii

"The leader of the LDPR, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, Leonid Slutsky, stated that conclusions should be drawn in light of the situation in France"

Vladimir Putin Podpisal Zakon Ob Ogranicheniyah Dlya Vyezda Za Rubezh

"The President of the Russian Federation has signed a law on invalid passports and restrictions on traveling abroad"


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