Vladimir Putin Podpisal Zakon O Zaprete Reklamy U Inostrannyh Agentov

"Both the advertiser and the advertising distributor will be held responsible for violating the law"

Mintrud RF Planiruet Vvesti Novye Uslovija Dlja Inostrannyh Specialistov

"The Ministry proposed deporting migrants from Russia for employment unrelated to their profession"

MVD RF Predlozhilo Uprostit Vozvrashchenie V Rossiyu Dlya Repatriantov

"The department is specifying the group of individuals entitled to the status of a family member of a resettlement program participant"

Gosduma RF Planiruet Utochnit Pravila Polucheniya Grazhdanstva RF

"Deputies note that it is necessary to clarify the deadlines and grounds for the procedure"

Gosduma RF Prinyala Zakon O Samozaprete Na Vydachu Kreditov

"Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin stated that the option to self-restrict credit will protect citizens from fraudsters"


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