It will become easier in Russia to attract foreigners to prepare international events
The state authority of Russia for protection of consumer rights will strengthen medical control over foreigners
"Rospotrebnadzor (Federal Service on Surveillance for Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare) has developed a draft law that provides for increased control over foreign citizens"
The new draft law is aimed at strengthening control over medical examinations of foreigners and stateless persons, as well as issuing conclusions to them for obtaining migration documents.
The draft law provides for the creation of a federal information system of epidemiological information, which will accelerate the implementation of measures for the early detection of infectious diseases and reduce the time taken to decide on the undesirability of foreigners staying, as well as the timing of their deportation from Russia.
In addition, the new scheme will provide the possibility of data interchange between existing information systems of federal executive bodies, including information on the labor activity of a foreign citizen. This approach is designed to significantly reduce the time of interagency interaction and to eliminate the falsification of information.
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