A draft law on the transfer of tax collection data from foreign specialists has been submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation
A draft law on the transfer of tax collection data from foreign specialists has been submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation
"The Russian tax authority will transmit to law enforcement authorities data on the amount of personal income tax paid by employers in relation to highly qualified foreign specialists (HQS)"
Currently, the draft law provides that tax authorities must at the request of the Ministry of Internal Affairs provide information on accrued and paid income tax amounts in respect of highly qualified foreign specialists. This is necessary in order to monitor compliance by employers with the conditions for attracting and using such foreign employees.
The initiative brings the provisions of the law in line with the Tax Code. The project introduces amendments that imply the transfer by tax authorities to internal affairs authorities of data on withheld and transferred income tax in respect of foreign specialists.
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