FNS RF Nachala Zaprashivat U Rossiyan Dannye O VNZH I Inostrannom Grazhdanstve

"The agency is requesting data for the year 2022"


The Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation has started requesting information about accounts in foreign banks from Russians with dual citizenship, including those who have residence permits or passports from other countries.

In particular, the FTS of Russia is requesting taxpayers to provide the following information:

- Copy of the Russian passport;

- Copy of the foreign passport;

- Number of days spent outside Russia;

- Copies of documents confirming citizenship or the presence of residency permits of other countries;

- Statements for accounts in foreign banks;

- Documents confirming currency transactions on foreign accounts.

The request from the FTS of Russia is based on the provisions of the law "On Currency Regulation and Currency Control," which provides for checks on compliance with currency legislation by residents and non-residents. Information about the foreign accounts of Russians has been submitted to the authorities since 2018, but previously, the service did not require the provision of data on permanent residency or second citizenship.

Difficulties in exchanging data arose due to the refusal of some countries to provide financial information to Russia. The FTS of Russia is requesting this data due to the relocation of some Russians in 2022, where some continue to conduct business or manage assets while working remotely. The tax law for relocators was passed in July 2023, setting the personal income tax rate at 13 or 15%, the same as for residents, starting from January 1, 2024.


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