Russian IT professionals working for foreign companies will be included in the list of self-employed citizens
Russian IT professionals working for foreign companies will be included in the list of self-employed citizens
"The Chamber of Commerce and Industry proposed to extend the taxation for self-employed to IT professionals who work for foreign companies"
Vladimir Maslov, director of the digital development department of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, believes that currently, the state does not recognize the majority of employees in this area as taxpayers.
“We are losing tax revenues, pension income, therefore, we propose to create a mechanism for registering such individuals within the framework of the professional income project,” said Vladimir Maslov. According to him, about 90% of IT-specialists in Russia work for Western companies.
In addition, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry wants to simplify the registration of foreign IT companies in Russia. According to Maslov, such companies are now "very few." “We propose creating an online registration service for such companies within the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation with a simplified mechanism of currency and tax control and a special tax regime,” he said.
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