In 2019 the duty is introduced for Russian citizens to monitor compliance with the purpose of the visit of foreign people and ensure their timely departure from Russia
In 2019 the duty is introduced for Russian citizens to monitor compliance with the purpose of the visit of foreign people and ensure their timely departure from Russia
" Migration laws regulating rights and obligations of foreign citizens, as well as citizens of the Russian Federation, has been amended to establish new requirements. "
The amendments to the federal laws of July 18, 2006 No. 109-FZ “On Migration Registration for Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Russian Federation”, came into force on July 8, 2018; a ban has been placed on the immigration registration of foreign citizens at registered offices of legal entities in the event that a foreign citizen does work there.
Starting from August 10, 2018, a procedure will be introduced for inviting party to notify on the departure of a foreign citizen from the place of stay. The relevant notification may be submitted to the corresponding migration authority or sent by post or multifunctional centers.
The corresponding amendments come into force on January 16, 2019.
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