Gosduma RF Rassmotrit Proekt Ob Uproshchenii Registracii Dlya Vynuzhdennyh Pereselencev

"Earlier, the President of the Russian Federation signed a decree allowing foreigners who came to Russia due to their disapproval of their countries' policies to obtain a residence permit through a simplified procedure"


A bill is planned to be submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation that will simplify the registration process for forced migrants who do not have a permanent residence in Russia.

The deputies propose amendments to the laws regulating the procedure for registration at the place of residence for forced migrants, refugees, foreign citizens, and stateless persons who moved to Russia due to disagreement with the policies of their countries, which impose destructive neoliberal ideological principles that contradict traditional Russian values.

According to the bill, the place of residence for these categories of citizens can be considered the municipal district, district, or city district where the citizen applied to the territorial office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

This initiative will officially establish a special registration procedure for forced migrants who temporarily do not have a permanent residence in Russia. It will also ensure their right to access a range of state and municipal services, targeted social assistance, and benefits.


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