V Gosdumu RF Vnesen Proekt O Sdache Biometrii Inostrancami

"This measure will help track the movement of foreigners, ensure their identification, and prevent the re-entry of undesirable individuals"


A draft law has been submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, requiring foreigners to submit biometric data when entering Russia for a period exceeding 90 days if their visit is not work-related.

This measure will help track the movement of foreign citizens, ensure their accurate identification, and prevent the re-entry of undesirable individuals.

According to the draft law, foreign citizens arriving in Russia for more than 90 days without employment purposes, as well as those coming for work, will be required to undergo fingerprint registration upon entry into the country, rather than at the migration service at their place of stay.

The authors of the bill emphasize that the current practice of fingerprint registration at the place of stay is not effective enough, allowing foreigners to avoid submitting biometric data.

Deputies note that differences in the spelling of names in Cyrillic and Latin scripts complicate accurate identification, which can lead to the re-entry of individuals previously deported from Russia for violations.

The explanatory note to the document states that, according to the Investigative Committee, the number of offenses committed by migrants in Russia is increasing. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, in 2022, a quarter of those who entered Russia for work purposes did not obtain a work patent. What they are doing in Russia is unknown, the deputies note.

The federal law will come into force on January 1, 2025.


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