Vladimir Putin Podpisal Zakon O Novom Rezhime Vysylki Migrantov

"The law reduces the duration of visa-free temporary stay in Russia to 90 days within a year"


President of Russia Vladimir Putin has signed a Federal Law introducing a new legal framework for the deportation of migrants who do not have legal grounds for staying in the country.

The law establishes measures aimed at ensuring the departure or legalization of foreign citizens and stateless persons in Russia. Under the deportation regime, several rights and freedoms are restricted, and enhanced immigration control is implemented.

Key restrictions for migrants under the deportation regime include:

- A ban on changing their place of residence or stay without the consent of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) of Russia;

- Restrictions on leaving the region of residence;

- A ban on operating vehicles;

- Restrictions on acquiring property and entering into marriage;

- A ban on registering real estate in the cadastre;

- Restrictions on opening bank accounts and conducting banking operations (except for mandatory payments and transfers up to 30,000 rubles per month);

- A ban on being founders or members of religious and public organizations.

A special register will be created to track migrants under the deportation regime. Foreign citizens are considered notified of their status from the moment the information is posted on the MVD’s website.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs will have the authority to request migrants' banking data, monitor their whereabouts, and conduct surveillance using geolocation. Migrants subject to administrative deportation will be held in special facilities until the deportation decision is executed.

If a minor is deemed undesirable for stay, the same decision will apply to their legal guardian.

The law also regulates border crossings for foreign citizens with expired or damaged documents that allow for identification. Border control will be enforced not only at entry points but also at exits, including for transit travel.

Additionally, the law reduces the duration of visa-free stay in Russia to 90 days within a year.

The law will take effect 180 days after its official publication, except for the provision on visa-free stay, which will come into force on January 1, 2025.


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