Gosduma RF Prinyala Zakon O Lishenii Grazhdanstva Za Nepostanovku Na Voinskij Uchet

"Amendments are being made to the laws "On Military Duty and Military Service" and "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation.""


The State Duma of the Russian Federation passed a law in three readings that requires foreigners who have obtained Russian citizenship to register for military service. The law stipulates that failure to fulfill this obligation may result in the revocation of Russian citizenship.

According to the law, men of conscription age who have obtained Russian citizenship must register with the military commissariat at their place of residence. The explanatory note to the document states that many new Russian citizens evade this obligation.

The deputies believe that these amendments will ensure that new citizens fulfill their "constitutional duty to defend the Fatherland." The law also requires the Ministry of Internal Affairs to provide information about new male citizens electronically.

The amendments will take effect from the day of official publication.

It should be recalled that earlier, the deputies approved the introduction of special measures for the expulsion of migrants who violated Russian laws. As part of tightening migration policies, the deputies proposed extending the military service period to two years and raising the conscription age for new citizens, but this amendment was not included in the final version of the law.


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