Gosduma RF Prinyala Zakon O Rezhime Vysylki Inostrancev Iz Rossii

"The document provides a number of restrictions for foreigners subject to the new expulsion regime"


The State Duma of the Russian Federation has approved in the second and third readings a bill proposed by a group of deputies from all factions, which introduces a new migration expulsion regime for foreign citizens.

The document provides a number of restrictions for foreigners subject to the new expulsion regime. They will be prohibited from changing their place of residence or stay in Russia without permission from the internal affairs authorities, leaving their region of residence, driving vehicles, acquiring property, and getting married.

Such foreign citizens will be included in a registry of controlled persons, which will be accessible to state authorities, as well as legal and natural persons. Banks will be required to provide information about the accounts and deposits of those included in this registry.

The bill stipulates that foreign citizens from the registry of controlled persons will not be able to participate in or establish public or religious organizations. Civil registry offices will be required to check all foreign citizens and stateless persons entering into marriage for their presence in this registry.

Foreign citizens will be able to cross the state border to their home country with expired documents. The internal affairs authorities will have the right to enter the premises where a migrant subject to the expulsion regime is located, even "with overcoming resistance."

New control measures will be added to the existing ones: determining the location of a foreign citizen using technical means; checking any documents containing tax or banking secrecy; and coordinating the route to the border crossing point.


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