V Gosdume RF Predlozhili Proveryat Detej Migrantov Na Znanie Russkogo Yazyka

"The procedure for conducting interviews is proposed to be approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation"


Deputies from the LDPR have developed a bill that provides for mandatory testing of Russian language proficiency for children of foreigners before their admission to schools.

According to the explanatory note, for a child to succeed in school, they must have a sufficient command of the Russian language to grasp the educational program. However, many migrant children lack the necessary language skills, creating difficulties for themselves and increasing the burden on teachers.

The bill states that foreign citizens can be admitted to educational institutions for primary, basic, and secondary general education only after passing an interview that determines their level of Russian language proficiency. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation will approve the procedure for conducting such interviews.

If the law is adopted, it will come into force on January 1, 2025.


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