MID RF Prokommentiroval Realizaciyu Idei Vydachi Viz Po Pribytii V Rossiyu

"Issuing visas upon entry into Russian territory will require round-the-clock consular points"


The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs commented on the implementation of the idea of issuing visas upon arrival in Russia. To implement the idea of issuing visas to foreign citizens upon arrival in Russia, round-the-clock consular points will need to be established.

"For their operation, budgetary funds are required to pay staff salaries, equip workplaces, modernize and secure communication channels, as well as rent spaces and waiting areas in international airports," explained Alexey Klimov, Director of the Consular Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He emphasized that this would be a long-term financial commitment by the state aimed at serving the interests of foreign citizens.

Alexey Klimov noted that the situation is complicated by the need to comply with all formalities, such as filling out an application form, providing a basis for the visa, a health insurance policy, and paying the state fee.

Additionally, issuing visas upon arrival complicates the work of Russian competent authorities in preventing the entry of undesirable persons. "A Russian visa is not just a formal permission to enter for a fee," Klimov explained.


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