Gosduma RF Odobrila Pravo Policii Prinimat Reshenie O Vydvorenii Inostrancev

"Currently, administrative expulsion from the Russian Federation is ordered by a judge"


The State Duma Committee on State Building and Legislation recommended the adoption of a bill in the first reading that empowers the police to make decisions on the administrative expulsion of foreign citizens and stateless persons from Russia.

The initiative was supported by representatives of all factions of the State Duma. The bill amends the Administrative Offenses Code (CoAP) to enhance control over migrants, reports TASS.

According to the current version of Article 3.10 of the CoAP, administrative expulsion from the Russian Federation as a punitive measure is ordered by a judge or by the appropriate officials of the border service for violations at entry points into the country.

The new bill provides that administrative expulsion can be ordered not only by judges and border officials but also by officials of the internal affairs agencies.

The explanatory note to the document states that the draft federal law aims to unify the procedures for deportation and administrative expulsion by concentrating these powers within the police. The document will reduce the time and financial costs associated with transporting foreigners to courts and ensure the prompt expulsion of violators from Russian territory, according to the authors of the bill.

According to data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, more than 2,000 foreigners were expelled from Russia for violations of migration laws in Moscow in the first four months of 2024.


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