Gosduma RF Vvedet Dopolnitelnye Ogranicheniya Na Usynovlenie Detej Inostrancami

"Deputies plan to prohibit the adoption of children by foreigners whose home countries allow gender reassignment"


The State Duma of the Russian Federation has prepared a bill completely prohibiting foreign citizens from adopting children from Russia if gender reassignment is allowed in their country. Deputy Vasily Piskarev stated that the document is in the final stages of revision. The project has been developed in collaboration with relevant ministries and agencies.

The Patriarchal Commission on Family Issues, Protection of Motherhood and Childhood proposed such a ban in July 2023. Vasily Piskarev believes that the ban is justified, as there is no guarantee that an adopted child will not end up in a same-sex family if one of the parents undergoes gender reassignment.

There is already a ban on the adoption of Russian children by citizens of certain countries. In 2012, US citizens were prohibited from adopting Russian children (the "Dima Yakovlev Law"). In August 2022, a bill was introduced to the State Duma to ban adoption by families from unfriendly countries. The explanatory note stated that transferring children to such countries is "a blow to the nation's future, as the collective West destroys traditional values."

It is worth noting that in July 2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law banning gender reassignment in Russia, permitting operations only for medical reasons.


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