The duration of multiple entry visas for foreign employees may increase
The duration of multiple entry visas for foreign employees may increase
"Russia is up to extend the duration of multiple visas for foreigners working in the territory of the free port of Vladivostok"
The draft law simplifies the procedure for obtaining and extending the validity of a multiple-entry visa for foreign citizens - employees of companies on the territories of priority social and economic development and the free port of Vladivostok.
The draft law also simplifies the work of foreign investors in Russia. Representatives of foreign companies that are negotiating investment agreements will be able to obtain a multiple business visa to enter Russia, which will be issued for up to one year.
The explanatory note states that a foreign citizen who signs an employment contract with a resident of the territory of the advanced development or the free port of Vladivostok related to the implementation of the investment project will be able to obtain a multiple work visa on the same conditions as the employee of the investment company.
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