Glava MID RF Prokommentiroval Uzhestochenie Rezhima Vezda Dlya Migrantov

"The measures being taken in this regard are aimed at tightening control, not creating obstacles to labor migration, said Sergey Lavrov"


The head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Sergey Lavrov, stated that tightening entry restrictions for labor migrants does not align with the country's long-term interests. He emphasized that instead of creating barriers, the focus should be on strengthening control over their stay, as a visa regime or other strict measures could negatively impact relations with Russia's closest partners.

Sergey Lavrov noted that numerous violations by migrants have been recorded; however, the solution should not lie in prohibitions but in building an effective monitoring system. According to him, labor migration control should include a clear understanding of where foreign workers are located, who provides them with jobs, and who is responsible for ensuring they comply with the law, reports RIA Novosti.

The minister also reminded that key documents of the Eurasian Economic Union establish equal rights for citizens of its member states, but under the current circumstances, additional clarification of these norms is needed. He expressed confidence that a balanced solution could be found without creating obstacles in relations with allies.


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