V Gosdumu RF Budet Vnesen Proekt Ob Otyagchayushchih Obstoyatelstvah Dlya Migrantov

"Deputies called for the determination of aggravating circumstances for migrants violating the Administrative Code"


A bill is planned to be introduced to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, proposing to consider the illegal stay of migrants in Russia as an aggravating circumstance in administrative offenses.

The document, prepared by the LDPR faction under the leadership of Leonid Slutsky, proposes amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses, allowing stricter penalties for illegal migrants.

According to law enforcement agencies, about 739,000 migrants are in the country without legal grounds. Currently, they are subject to the same sanctions as Russian citizens or foreigners with official status. However, the bill's initiators consider this unacceptable and insist on tougher liability.

Leonid Slutsky emphasized that illegal stay is already a violation of the law, and such individuals pose a potential threat to society. He noted that illegal migrants may be involved in the shadow economy, tax evasion, document forgery, trafficking of prohibited substances, and even attacks on citizens.

Parliamentarians believe that adopting this bill will be a step toward eradicating illegal migration, ensuring the safety of Russians, and strengthening control over the stay of foreign citizens in the country.

Earlier, the Russian government supported the bill on aggravating circumstances for migrants, noting that the illegal presence of a foreign citizen in Russia constitutes a separate administrative offense.


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