Sovet Federacii Odobril Zakon O Zaprete Priema V Shkoly Detej Migrantov Bez Znaniya Russkogo

"Russian language testing for migrant children will be conducted free of charge"


The Federation Council approved a law prohibiting the admission of migrant children to schools if they do not possess a sufficient level of Russian language proficiency to master the educational program.

Enrollment will require passing a free test confirming the necessary level of knowledge. Children who fail the test will not be allowed to attend school. The development of tests, evaluation criteria, and the minimum passing score will be entrusted to Rosobrnadzor, reports RIA Novosti.

The law also prohibits admitting children residing illegally in Russia. These measures are expected to take effect on April 1, 2025.

The initiative was previously supported by Russian President Vladimir Putin, who noted that children lacking Russian language skills would require additional training, necessitating funding.


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