MVD RF Izmenit Usloviya Dlya Vydvoreniya Inostrancev Iz Rossii

"Administrative expulsion as a measure of responsibility is currently provided for in 22 articles of the Administrative Offenses Code (KoAP)"


The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation has developed a draft law that amends the Code of Administrative Offenses. The draft law aims to expand the list of violations for which foreign citizens may face expulsion, as well as to tighten the responsibility for administrative offenses in migration legislation.

The changes proposed by the draft law are aimed at the prompt expulsion of individuals whose presence in the country is undesirable due to their unlawful activities, according to the press center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Currently, expulsion is provided for in 22 articles of the Administrative Offenses Code. This measure is applied for violations of legislation on freedom of conscience, actions that threaten health and morality, such as illegal drug trafficking and the promotion of non-traditional values, violations in the field of state border protection and migration, as well as for a number of other offenses.

The draft law proposes to add expulsion to another 20 articles of the Administrative Offenses Code, mainly concerning public order and safety, including measures against extremism.

In addition, to strengthen the preventive function of administrative penalties, the draft law provides for an increase in fines for migration offenses.

The draft law was commented on in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. "For a number of articles, it is necessary to ensure the prompt expulsion of individuals (without a court) whose presence in the country is undesirable due to their unlawful activities," said State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin.

Migration control is an extremely important issue, and deputies understand its urgency. The improvement of migration legislation is a priority for us, added the Chairman of the State Duma. "The proposals of the Government, ministries, and departments aimed at solving problems in this area will be considered as a matter of priority," concluded Volodin.


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