Vladimir Putin Podpisal Zakon O Zaprete Reklamy U Inostrannyh Agentov

"Both the advertiser and the advertising distributor will be held responsible for violating the law"


President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin has approved a law that prohibits Russian citizens and companies from placing advertisements on information resources owned by foreign agents. Advertising resources of foreign agents in Russian media and the internet are also prohibited.

The document, published on the legal information portal, imposes a ban on distributing advertising on information platforms of foreign agents, with responsibility for violating this ban placed on advertisers and advertising distributors.

It is noted that the new norms do not apply to quoting materials of foreign agents in the media; they exclusively concern publications of an advertising nature aimed at increasing the audience of such resources.

According to the Administrative Offenses Code and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, individuals face an administrative fine of up to 50,000 rubles, and legal entities face fines of up to 500,000 rubles for violating the restrictions provided by the legislation on foreign agents. Criminal punishment of up to two years of imprisonment is also provided for violating the rules of activity of a foreign agent or a Russian legal entity established as a foreign agent, after being twice subjected to administrative liability within a year.

The law will come into force 10 days after publication.


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