V Gosdume RF Predlozhili Pri Narushenii PDD Annulirovat Inostrannye Voditelskie Prava

"Amendments are planned to be introduced to the Federal Law "On Road Traffic Safety""


A draft law is planned to be submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, proposing the invalidation of foreign and international driver's licenses in Russia in case of traffic violations.

If adopted, foreign driver's licenses may be annulled from the moment the ruling on an administrative offense takes effect, TASS reports.

Currently, foreign driver's licenses are permitted for use within one year after obtaining a residence permit or citizenship, or from the moment of first entry into Russia. According to the authors of the initiative, this grace period allows drivers who may not always be familiar with or adhere to Russian traffic rules to operate vehicles.

The deputies noted an increase in traffic accidents caused by drivers with foreign licenses in 2023: the number of such accidents rose by 6.5%, injuries by 8.5%, and fatalities by 4.5%.


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