13. Vvedena Rassrochka Po Platezham Nachislennym Po Itogam Nalogovoj Proverki

"The amount of debt, which is subject to deferred installments, will not be higher than the value of the net assets of the company"

Deferred installments are possible in the following cases:

  •  financial problems, due to which it is impossible to immediately settle for additional charges. Tax authorities recognize the problem if the amounts received on the company's accounts three months prior to the submission of the application for installments are less than its short-term liabilities, net of deferred revenue, according to the accounting data. The amount of short-term obligations will be determined taking into account additional payments;
  • additional charges amount to 30% to 70% of the revenue from sales for the year preceding the year when the decision on the results of the inspection came into effect;
    at least one year has elapsed since the establishment of the company until the day of submission of the application for deferred installments;
  • the bankruptcy case has not been initiated against the company;
  • the company is not restructured or liquidated;
  • the company does not appeal against the results of the inspection;
  • the company is able to transfer mandatory payments during the period for which deferred installments are requested.

To get deferred installments, companies have to provide a bank guarantee.



Lawspells Law Firm
     +7 (800) 5555-970  •   Stoloviy lane 6, Moscow, 121069, Russia   

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