Inostrannym Grazhdanam Zapretyat Polzovatsya Uslugami Surrogatnyh Materej V Rossii

"This is due to the fact that law enforcement agencies have repeatedly recorded cases of death and trafficking in children born to Russian women for foreigners"

Izmeneny Pravila Vezda Inostrancev V Rossiyu

"The new rules come into force on July 25"

MVD Zapretit Vezd V Rossiyu Nekotorym Inostrannym Grazhdan

"The department will expel and deny entry to Russia for migrants participating in mass fights and riots"

V Rossii Vstupil V Silu Ryad Izmenenij V Ekzameny Dlya Migrantov

"The new rules were developed by the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements, a subordinate organization of Rosobrnadzor"

6. S 2019 Goda Dlya Rossiyan Vvoditsya Obyazannost Sledit Za Soblyudeniem Celi Vizita Inostrancev I Obespechivat Ih

" Migration laws regulating rights and obligations of foreign citizens, as well as citizens of the Russian Federation, has been amended to establish new requirements. "

Vvoz Inostrannyh Grazhdan Dlya Raboty Na Strojkah Mogut Uprostit

"At the end of 2020, a simplified procedure for the entry of migrants to work on construction sites in Russia was organized"

9. Utverzhdeny Pravila Priznanija Inostrannogo Grazhdanina Nositelem Russkogo Jazyka

"The Order was registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on November 13, 2017"

Lawspells Law Firm
     +7 (800) 5555-970  •   Stoloviy lane 6, Moscow, 121069, Russia   

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